Magnetization dependence on strain in the Ni–Mn–Ga magnetic shape memory material

Magnetic shape memory (MSM) materials can generate up to 10% strain when exposed to a magnetic field. The magnetization of the MSM material is closely related to its strain level. Modeling this relationship is of prime importance, especially in sensor and motion generation applications. In the present work, the magnetization curve of a Ni2MnGa MSM material was measured at different strain levels. The measurements were performed at magnetic fields of up to 130 kA/m, which includes the range used in most sensor applications. The measurement setup is described, and the results are compared with two models of magnetization dependence on strain, a linear and a nonlinear model. It is demonstrated that at high magnetic field strength values the relationship is linear, while at low fields (H<40 kA/m) the dependence between the strain and the magnetization is nonlinear.