Undergraduate education in radiology. A white paper by the European Society of Radiology

A common goal of all initiatives undertaken by the ESR Education Committee is the improvement and transnational harmonisation of educational standards in radiology throughout Europe. High standards and uniformity of undergraduate education in radiology are essential components in this effort. Though the European Society of Radiology is not a regulatory authority, by providing references and guidance documents, it can beneficially influence educational authorities at both a national and local level. The Executive Council of the ESR, by establishing a working group on undergraduate teaching reporting to the Education Committee, has formally endorsed the area of radiologic education to be a priority. The policy is in line with other major initiatives being undertaken by the Society, in particular revision of the Post Graduate Charter and Curriculum for Radiology Training (February 2011, www.myesr.org/trainingcharter) and the development of a Diploma in General Radiology (www.myesr.org/diploma) to be taken at the end of residency training. Through the organs and structures of the Society including the Executive Office and all statutory committees of the Society, the ESR plans dissemination of this white paper throughout the European radiology community. By including the white paper as an agenda item at all statutory committees within the ESR, the Society will promote involvement of radiologists in undergraduate programmes on as wide a basis as possible. It is also proposed that a specific focus be made on dissemination to the University authorities in Europe who have responsibility for medical student education. A database of these institutions has been created within the offices of the ESR. In addition, on occasions of consultation with national leaders, e.g. Leadership Meeting, the Education Committee will actively promote the subject of undergraduate education and this white paper to as wide an international audience of radiology leaders as possible. The Executive Office has also sanctioned proposals from the Undergraduate Teaching Working Group to elaborate supplemental promotional literature to be sent to institutions across Europe with responsibility for undergraduate education. To promote further awareness, a proactive focus on undergraduate education will be proposed to the ECR Programme Planning Committee. This diffusion will be supplemented by a pro-active focus on undergraduate education at the ECR Programme Planning Committee. The public relations expertise and facilities of the Society and Congress will be available to support the concept of radiology as a career choice for our brightest students by actively encouraging attendance of school leavers and medical students at specific age-appropriate …