CFD를 이용한 소듐냉각고속로 열교환기 설계코드의 검증
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is developing a SFR(Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor) which is one of the generation IV nuclear reactors. The SFR is composed of four main fluid systems which are categorized by its functions, i.e, PHTS(Primary Heat Transport System), IHTS(Intermediate Heat Transport System), SGS(Steam Generation System) and DHRS(Decay Heat Removal System). The coolant of the SFR is liquid sodium and sodium-to-sodium heat exchangers are installed at the interfaces between two fluid systems, PHTS to IHTS and PHTS to DHRS. For the design and performance analysis of the heat exchangers, a computer code have been written. In this work, the computer code named "SHXSA" is validated through the CFD simulations.