Poster: energy consumption impact of UHF RFID reader integration with mobile phones

UHF RFID has emerged as a mature technology with important applications in inventory control, pervasive computing and e-commerce but integration into mobile phone platforms has not yet been fully realized. One of the primary barriers contributing to this is a lack of understanding about how readers will impact the battery life of a mobile smartphone. In this work we describe our experimental investigation into the energy consumption impact of compact UHF Class-1 Generation-2 RFID readers as compared with existing sensors that are common in smartphones. Our evaluation shows that the energy consumption of compact RFID readers is affected by environmental conditions and network parameters that influence reader-tag link quality and that reader energy consumption is comparable to existing integrated Bluetooth, GPS and WiFi interfaces on smartphones. Existing experimental work on UHF readers (e.g., [1]) has focused mainly on tag read performance while our goal is to characterize how various factors impact the energy consumption of compact readers relative to existing smartphone sensors.