Synthesis and characterizatios of new thiophene phenylene based polyazomethines

Summary form only given. The growing interest of organic multiple quantum wells (MQW) in the last few years is due to their potential applications in optoelectronics. In particular conjugated polymers constitute good candidate in this view because of their quasi-one-dimensional structure, which permits to consider them as natural quantum wires. In this research frame we have recently prepared and studied polyazomethinic systems constituted by the regular alternation of thienylenic sequences and phenylenic residues. With the aim of clarify the role of thienylenic sequences, considered as wells, and of azomethine moieties, regarded as barriers, in the excitation properties, we have prepared and studied new copolymers. These materials are constituted by hexa- or methyl substituted octa-thienyl moieties regularly linked to byphenyl residues by imine groups (-HC=N-). Preliminar molecular, thermal, structural characterizations will be presented and discussed, moreover the optical properties of these copolymers with particular reference to the quantum confinement concept will be examined.