High-performance blue and green laser diodes based on nonpolar/semipolar bulk GaN substrates

We present state-of-the-art performance from green and blue InGaN-based laser diodes fabricated on nonpolar/semipolar substrates. Using these novel crystal orientations, we demonstrate high-power, high-efficiency, and long-lifetime continuous-wave laser operation. For green wavelengths at 520 nm, we report on continuous wave single mode lasing with over 65 mW of output power and wall plug efficiencies over 2%. In the blue regime we describe single-mode lasers operating with over 23% wall-plug-efficiency and with output powers greater than 750 mW. To the best of the author's knowledge, this efficiency represents the highest reported to date for a single-mode blue laser. These InGaNbased devices offer dramatic improvement in performance, size, weight, and cost over conventional gas and solid state lasers for use in defense, biomedicine, and consumer projection displays.