An Experimental Investigation of a Two-Dimensional, Self-Similar, Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Layer with Zero Pressure Gradient

Abstract : The effect of compressibility on the mixing layer was investigated at Mach number 2.47. Pitot pressure, static pressure and hot-wire surveys were made to investigate the mean flow and the fluctuation quantities. Similarities between supersonic and incompressible mixing layers are observed in normalized velocity profile, normalized power spectral density distribution and convection velocity distribution. Spreading rate, normalized shear stress and velocity fluctuation were found to be appreciably smaller than the respective incompressible results; e.g., the momentum thickness growth rates are 0.0073 and 0.035 for supersonic and incompressible flows, respectively. The difference between free and wall-bounded mixing layers is discussed. Development of turbulence structure of mixing layer with increasing Reynolds number was also investigated.