Game Design for Computer Science Education

Computer science students come from the gamer generation. A generation accustomed to receiving instant feedback and constant reward for action. This expectation creates tension between traditional assessment models and the learning style of the gamers taking our courses. In this paper we discuss how game design principles can be used as part of modern instructional design. We then present two case studies at dierent levels of course design, from the design of exam assessment to the learning outcomes for a whole degree. The rst case study comes from a rst year game design course where a condence based multi-choice system was designed using game balance mechanics. We show that by using a game design approach we can create well balanced condence intervals. The second case study focuses on the use of experience points (XP) and character sheets to track student development and present learning objectives in a form familiar to our students. This can also be used to motivate extra curricular activity and organise group activities.