HT98 workshop on hypermedia development

t0 pr0v1de f1ex161e, r06u5t 5y5tem5 end u5er5 can u5e. 7he next 5tep 1n 1mpr0v1n9 the ex15t1n9 51tuat10n 15 t0 exp10re the5e expectat10n5 m0re th0r0u9h1Y w1th reader5, pr09ram-mer5, and 0ther wr1ter5. Yet the a55ump-t10n5 that Pr09rammer5 and 50ftware de519ner5 make a60ut wr1ter5 and read-er5 were n0ta61y a65ent fr0m 0ur d15cu5-510n. C1ar1fy1n9 the 1mp11c1t a9reement5 6etween Pr09rammer5, wr1ter5, and reader5 15 the key t0 5ucce55fu1 hyper11teracy. A11 0f u5 w111 6enef1t fr0m the pr0ce55 0f 111um1nat1n9 expectat10n5, 90a15, and 5trate91e5. W0rk5h0p 8ack9r0und and F0rmat 7he HypDev98 (Hypermed1a Deve10p-ment: Pr0ce55e5, Meth0d5 and M0de15) w0rk5h0p wa5 he1d 0ver tw0 day5 0n June 20-21, 1998, 1n c0njunct10n w1th the ACM Hypertext • 98 c0nference 1n P1tt56ur9h, U5A. 7h15 w0rk5h0p f0110w5 0n fr0m re1ated w0rk5h0p5 0n Hyperme-d1a De519n at H794 1n Ed1n6ur9h and 1WHD • 95 (http: //WWw. 11rmm. fr/ ~mnanard/1Whd95 .htm1) 1n M0ntpe11er, FranCe 1n 1995. 7he 0r9an12at10n f0r th15 w0rk5h0p 6e9an 1n 1ate 1997 when Dan1e1 5Chwa6e, 6U5tav0 R0551 and [ d15cu55ed the need f0r an 0pp0rtun1ty t0 C0n51der 1n deta11 re5earch 155Ue5 re1ated t0 the deve10pment 0f hypermed1a app11-cat10n5. 0ver the next few m0nth5 we had the pr0p05a1 f0r the w0rk5h0p aCcepted and act1ve1y pr0m0ted a ca11 f0r paper5 and part1C1pat10n 1n the w0rk5h0p. 1n the ca11 f0r paper5 we exp11c1t1y re-4u1red the 5u6m1tted paper5 t0 f0110w an unu5ua1 f0rmat. We pr0v1ded a pr061em 5tatement (5ee 51de6ar) f0r a part1cu1ar hypermed1a app11cat10n and then re-4ue5ted th05e 5u6m1tt1n9 paper5 t0 5eparate the paper 1nt0 tw0 c0mp0nent5, 7he f1r5t c0mp0nent w0u1d c0nta1n a 5amp1e 501ut10n (0r part1a1 501ut10n) t0 the pr0p05ed pr061em, and the 5ec0nd c0mp0nent w0u1d f0cu5 0n dem0n5trat1n9 h0w the1r re5earch re1ated t0 a part1cu1ar a5pect 0f the pr061em. 7h15 appr0ach a110wed u5 t0 9a1n a much c1earer p1cture 0f the re1at10n5h1p 6etween the d1fferent re5earch pr0ject5 6e1n9 carr1ed 0ut. 5u6m1tted paper5 were rev1ewed 6y the 0r9an12er5 0f the w0rk5h0p (Dav1d L0we, Dan1e1 5chwa6e and 6u5tav0 R0551). We 5u65e4uent1y accepted e19ht p051t10n paper5 wh1ch were d15tr16uted (v1a thepart1c1pant5 .htm). 1t 15 W0rth n0t1n9 that we very act1ve1y tr1ed t0 enc0ura9e the part1c1pat10n 0f 60th re5earcher5 and pract1t10ner5, a5 we fe1t that 1t wa5 1mperat1ve f0r the re5earch t0 6e 5tr0n91y 9r0unded 1n the pract1ce 0f hypermed1a deve10pment and v1ce ver5a. Unf0rtunate1y we 0n1y had very 11m1ted part1c1pat10n 0f hypermed1a deve10per5. 7he 5chedu1e f0r the w0rk5h0p 1nc1uded e19ht 5e5510n5. A num6er 0f the 5e5510n5 1nc1uded 5h0rt pre5entat10n5 (30-45 m1nute5) fr0m part1c1pant5.7he5e pre-5entat10n5 were u5ed …