Modeling X-ray data for the Saturn z-pinch machine

Summary form only given, as follows. A wealth of XRD and time dependent X-ray imaging data exist for the Saturn z-pinch machine, where the load is either a tungsten wire array or a tungsten wire array which implodes onto a SiO/sub 2/ foam. Also, these pinches have been modeled with a 2-D RMHD Eulerian computer code. In the paper we start with the 2-D Eulerian results to calculate time and spatially dependent spectra using both LTE and NLTE models. Then using response functions, these spectra are converted to XRD currents and camera images, which are quantitatively compared with the data. Through these comparisons, areas of good and lesser quality agreement are determined, and areas are identified where the 2-D Eulerian code should be improved.