Crowds and Power

Part 1 The crowd: the fear of being touched the open and closed crowd the discharge destructiveness the eruption persecution domestication of crowds in the world religions panic the crowd as a ring the attributes of the crowd rhythm stagnation slowness, or the remoteness of the goal invisible crowds classification of crowds according to their prevailing emotion baiting crowds flight crowds prohibition crowds reversal crowds feast crowds the double crowd - men and women, the living and the dead the double crowd - war crowd crystals crowd symbols - fire, the sea, rain, rivers, forest, corn, wind, sand, the heap, stone heaps, treasure. Part 2 The pack: the pack - kinds of pack hunting pack the war pack the lamenting pack the increase pack the communion inward and tranquil packs the pack's determination, the historical premanence of packs packs in the ancestor legends of the Aranda temporary formation among the Aranda. Part 3 The pack and religion: the transmutation of packs hunting and the forest among the Lele of Kasai the war booty and the Jivaros the rain dances of the Pueblo Indians on the dynamics of war, the first death, the triumph Islam as a religion of war the religions of lament the Muharram festival of the Shiites Catholicism and the crowd the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. Part 4 The crowd in history: national crowd symbols - the English, the Dutch, the Germans, the French, the Swiss, the Spaniards, the Italians, the Jews Germany and Versailles inflation and the crowd the nature of the parliamentary system distribution and increase, socialism and production the self-destruction of the Xosas. Part 5 The entrails of power: seizing and incorporation the hand - the patience of the hand, the finger exercises of monkeys, the hands and the birth of objects, destructiveness in monkeys and men, the killers are always the powerful on the psychology of eating. Part 6 The survivor: the survivor survival and invulnerability survival as a passion the rules as survivor the escape of Josephus the despot's hostility to survivors, rulers and their successors forms of survival the survivor in primitive belief the resentment of the dead epidemics cemetries immortality. Part 7 Elements of power. Part content.