Classification of EEG signals for epileptic seizure prediction using ANN
In this paper, we developed a model for classification of EEG signals. The aim of the study is
to determine whether this model can be used for epileptic seizure prediction if “pre-ictal”
stages were successfully detected. We analyzed long-term Freiburg EEG data. Each of 21
patients contains datasets called “ictal” (seizure) and “inter-ictal” (seizure-free). We extracted
4096-samples (or 16 seconds) long segments from both datasets of each patient. These
segments were decomposed into time-frequency representations using Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT). The statistical features from the DWT sub-bands of EEG segments were
calculated and fed as inputs to Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function
(RBF) network classifiers using 10-fold cross validation. We also applied multiscale PCA
(MSPCA) de-noising method to determine if it can further enhance the classifiers’
performance. MLP-based approach outperformed RBF classifier with or without MSPCA,
which significantly improved the classification accuracy of both classifiers. The proposed
MLP-approach with MSPCAachieved a classification accuracy of 95.09%. We showed that a
high classification accuracy of EEG signals can be accomplished in cases when additional
“pre-ictal” class is introduced. Therefore, the proposed approach may become an efficient
tool to predict epileptic seizures from EEG recordings.
Keywords: Electroencephalogram (EEG); Epileptic seizure; Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT); Multilayer Perceptron (MLP); Radial Basis Function (RBF) network; Multiscale
PCA (MSPCA); Machine learning.