Research on the product coordinative design based on distributed intelligent resources

The current distributed design system (DDS) cannot sufficiently use the distributed design resource and integrate quickly and efficiently. A four-layer coordinative design system (FCDS) architecture: the product design task decomposition, the distributed intelligent resource dynamic alliance, the coordinative design based on multi-resources and the building of intelligent resources is proposed based on distributed intelligent resource (DIR). Three service modes of DIR are developed to fulfil the diverse resource requirements in the FCDS coordinately and efficiently. The result integrated service mode is used in the situation that the task is independent and the specific subtask requirement can be given clearly in the whole design. The design subtask is fulfilled by the intelligent resource owner. In the coordinative service mode the intelligent resources have the tight coupling relations during the design process, and there may be some conflicts between resources because the restraints are unsatisfied. The design task can be finished efficiently only under the other intelligent resources cooperation. The relation between intelligent resource and system is very close. The rented service mode is used in the situation that the resource user does not want to give the product private information to the resource owner, but needs the exterior resource assistance because of lacking deep research to the subtask. The resource user, then, can rent the intelligent resource to fulfil the design task. The corresponding resource interface is also discussed. Finally, the proposed FCDS is successfully used on an amphibian vehicle improved design.