Ethics and Values in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Contents: E.A. Fleishman, J.N. Cleveland, Series Foreword. Introduction. Part I:Moral Philosophy and Psychology. Meta-Ethics. Normative Ethical Theories: I. Deontology. Normative Ethical Theories II. Consequentialism. Moral Psychology. Part II:Values. The Central Role of Values in Ethical Decision Making. Values at the Group Level. Values and Value Conflicts in the Professions. Values in Psychology. Business Values: I. The Classical Free-Enterprise Model. Business Values: II. The Revisionist Neo-Liberal Free-Enterprise Model. The Values and Ethics of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Part III:The Ethical Context of Research. Research Ethics: I. Informed Consent and Confidentiality. Research Ethics: II. The Use of Deception. Part IV:Conclusion. Taking Moral Action.