Taking tourism to the limits : issues, concepts and managerial perspectives

Introduction - conceptualizing 'the limit'(C. Ryan, M. Aicken). Section One: Tourism Planning and Management. Tourism Planning and Management. (S.J. Page). The Muskwa-Kechika Management Area - the Failed Planning and Management of the Serengeti of the North. (P. Mitchell-Banks). Monitoring visitor patterns of use in natural tourist destinations. (C. Arrowsmith, D. Zanon, P. Chhetri). The Use of Strategic Visioning to Enhance Local Tourism Planning in Periphery Communities. (L. Ruhanen, C. Cooper). The Development of a Regional Identity for the Macarthur Region. (S. Kemp). Section Two: Nature Based Tourism. Nature-based Tourism. (S.J. Page). Making Ecotourism Work: An Assessment of the Value of an Environmental Education Programme on a Marine Mammal Tour in New Zealand. (M. Orams, A. Taylor). The Politics of Ecotourism. (R. Duffy). African Wilderness(R) Pty Ltd: An Authentic Encounter with the Big Five, Death and the Meaning of Life(c). (M. Draper). The Limits of Tourism in Parks and Protected Areas: Managing carrying capacity in the U.S. National Parks. (R. Manning). Section Three: Adventure and Sport Tourism. Adventure Tourism and Sport - an introduction. (C. Ryan, B. Trauer). Acquiring status through the consumption of adventure tourism. (S. Ferguson, S. Todd). Looking the part: The relationship between adventure tourism and the outdoor fashion industry. (C. Cater). Getting into the Spirit: Using Internet Information Search to Heighten Emotions in Anticipation of the Sport Tourism Experience. (T. Harrison-Hill). Adventurism: Singapore Adventure Tourists in 'Soft' Capitalism. (Ong Chin Ee). Section Four: Dark Tourism. Dark Tourism - an introduction. (C. Ryan). Motivations of Participants in Dark Tourism: A Port Arthur Example. (T. Preece, G. Price). Presentation of Dark Tourism: Te Wairoa, The Buried Village. (N. Smith, W.G. Croy). Travels to the edge of darkness: towards a typology of 'dark tourism'. (R. Sharpley). Section Five: The Accommodation Sector. Trends in the Accommodation Sector - an introduction. (C. Ryan). Organisation Culture as a Method of Shaping and Planning Behaviour in a Hospitality Organisation. (S. Kemp). The Role of Innovation in Enhancing Sustainability: A Case Study on the Motel Sector. (L. Roberts, L. Jago). The Hotel as an Entertainment Centre. (A. Mohsin, T. Lockyer).