Frequency-swept directivity lobes—An emerging functional principle of biosonar beamforming
In all bat species, the spatial sensitivity of the biosonar system is mainly determined by the shape of the outer ears. In addition, a noseleaf surrounds the nostrils in many species and shapes the spatial distribution of the emitted sound energy. Predicting the beam‐forming effects of these structures numerically from their surface geometry has enabled comparative studies of high‐resolution beam pattern estimates across a large set of different bat species. The beam patterns obtained so far differ from common manmade transducers, such as loudspeakers and microphones. Strong asymmetric side lobes, which change direction as a function of frequency, are a distinguishing feature consistently seen in emission and reception beam patterns of the bats. Where investigated, the occurrence of these side lobes appears to be tied to the presence of flap‐like structures (including the tragus of the pinna), which may be hypothesized to have evolved for this purpose. The presence of these side lobes suggests that bat bi...