Four new species of Gracilacus Raski, 1962 (Criconematoidea : Nemata)

Four new species of Gracilacus Ra&i, 1962 are described fmm Brazil. Gmcilacus longilabiata sp. n. is distinguished by highly offset and expanded lips in both sexes, four lines in lateral fïeld, small size of female (216-315 prn) and by male without stylet. Gracilacus brasiliensis sp.n. is distinguished by four lines in lateral field, small size (250 p-n), short stylet (62 ~III) and vulva 70 “Lx Gmcilacus colina sp.n. is distinguished by its dotted, cuticular ornamentations only in œsophageal region, three lines in lateral field and long stylet (72 um). Gracilacus ptrnctata sp.n. is distinguished by four lines in lateral field, short stylet (48 Km), dotted cuticular ornamentations over entire body.