S2Biom database with logistical components of the biomass value chain

The S2Biom project (www.s2biom.eu) - Delivery of sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a resource-efficient Bioeconomy in Europe - supports sustainable delivery chains of non-food biomass feedstock. This poses a logistical challenge because the quality and handling characteristics, and often also the moisture content of biomass restricts options for efficient logistics and for efficient conversion into bio-energy. A task of the logistics work package was to identify and characterize the main logistical components. A logistical component is defined as one of the links in the biomass value chain from biomass to conversion. Examples are pre-treatment, storage and transport technologies that are needed to deliver biomass feedstock of a specified quality to a processing technology. These logistical components were then entered in the first prototype of a database. This paper shows the database design, the main data available and the way how to use the individual logistical components when designing optimal biomass value chains. Keywords: database, logistics, pretreatment, storage, supply chain, costs.