The Current State of Casting Yield: Results from the 1997 Steel Founders' Society of America Casting Yield Survey

The results of a casting yield survey of steel foundries taken in the first quarter of 1997 are presented. Data collected in the survey includes the average, best case, and worst case castings yields for steel castings, and statistical data on the factors which influence casting yield. The average casting yield was found to be 53.3%, and the average best and worst case casting yields were found to be 72.7% and 33.2% respectively, based on a per response average. The response rate for this survey was 40% of the North American steel foundries contacted. Production, end-use, steel type, geometry, and risering methodology factors were identified and ranked in importance affecting casting yield. The following were statistically identified as important positive factors on casting yield, where yield increases with their increase: tons produced per pattern, amount of railroad and wear resistant end-use production, average section thickness, and use of risering rules developed in-house. A negative impact on yield was found to be related to pump and valve enduse production, and corrosion resistant steel production. The quantitative contributions of these factors on casting yield are presented. Unconventional yield improvements were rated very low relative to methods currently in use. Induction heating, compressed air cooling and stacking of castings were indicated as unconventional methods which had been attempted in foundries.