싸이클형 하지운동을 이용한 조기 재활훈련 운동기기 개발
We investigated an early rehabilitation training system that increase the intensity of patient rehabilitation training to shorten the time it takes for patients to progress to a secondary rehabilitation training stage by allowing patients incapable of self-ambulation. It consisted of tilting bed, cycle ergometer for lower-limb exercise and training program. We performed experimental study on the muscular activities of Rectus FernoristRl"), Biceps Fernoristfsf"), tibialis anterior(T"A), gastrocnemius(GA) in the right lower-limb during cycling at tilt angle of 0, 30 and 60°. The muscle activities were higher at lower tilt angle. The results indicate that the early rehabilitation training system could be applied to improve the lower extremity muscular strength for elderly and patients, especially, stroke.