Evaluation of Poultry Supply Chain Performance in XYZ Slaughtering House Yogyakarta using SCOR and AHP Method

Abstract Poultry is the highest consumed meat nowadays. There are some problems in poultry supply chain in XYZ slaughtering house. In addition to supply chain problem, people always need to consume poultry, not only from quality but also from halal status on it. SCOR is a method of assessing supply chain performance created by Supply Chain Council from two perspectives those are internal business process and customer facing. The using of AHP and Cause-Effect-Diagram is to find problem of performance and give alternative recommendation from the 3 worst measured performances. Framework has been made includes 9 performances to measure. The 3 worst score of performances will be processed by AHP to decide the rank of problem based on XYZ perspective. Finally it is gained weight-score product cycle time (0.255), supply order fulfilment (0.35) and supplier lead time (0.391). The alternative recommendation is given to XYZ by using Cause and effect Diagram such as the on-time order by consumer, on-time cycle time and standardized chicken from supplier.