Analysis of indoor FSO link under diffused channel topology

Indoor optical wireless (IOW) communication system is potentially an emerging technology to either complement or to provide an alternative to the existing radio frequency (RF) technique. The technology has various advantages such as large bandwidth (usually in THz), lower deployment cost, and interference immunity. However, the mobility of the receiving nodes is the main challenge in the deployment of IOW communication systems. The receiver mobility implies varying node location within the room. This severely affects the communication performance due to variation in the received power. In this paper, we analyze an IOW communication system which considers the possibility of the receiver mobility within the specified room dimensions. A detailed simulation based analysis is presented under spatially varying receiver locations while keeping the transmitter location and its power fixed. The effect of varying transmitter semi beam divergence angle on the impulse response, mean delay and root mean square (rms) delay have been investigated. The simulations are performed using MATLAB.

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