Security and cryptography for networks : 8th International Conference, SCN 2012, Amalfi, Italy, September 5-7, 2012 : proceedings

Deterministic Public Key Encryption and Identity-Based Encryption from Lattices in the Auxiliary-Input Setting.- Ring Switching in BGV-Style Homomorphic Encryption.- Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Low Amortized Communication from Lattice Assumptions.- Fully Anonymous Attribute Tokens from Lattices.- Efficient Structure-Preserving Signature Scheme from Standard Assumptions.- Compact Round-Optimal Partially-Blind Signatures.- History-Free Sequential Aggregate Signatures.- A New Hash-and-Sign Approach and Structure-Preserving Signatures from DLIN.- Blackbox Construction of a More Than Non-Malleable CCA1 Encryption Scheme from Plaintext Awareness.- Decentralized Dynamic Broadcast Encryption.- Time-Specific Encryption from Forward-Secure Encryption.- Efficient Two-Party and Multi-Party Computation Improved Secure Two-Party Computation via Information-Theoretic Garbled Circuits.- 5PM: Secure Pattern Matching.- Implementing AES via an Actively/Covertly Secure Dishonest-Majority MPC Protocol.- On the Centrality of Off-Line E-Cash to Concrete Partial Information Games.- Universally Composable Security with Local Adversaries.- On the Strength Comparison of the ECDLP and the IFP.- New Attacks for Knapsack Based Cryptosystems.- Multiple Differential Cryptanalysis Using LLR and chi2 Statistics.- Quo Vadis Quaternion? Cryptanalysis of Rainbow over Non-commutative Rings.- Homomorphic Encryption for Multiplications and Pairing Evaluation.- Publicly Verifiable Ciphertexts.- Public-Key Encryption with Lazy Parties.- Probabilistically Correct Secure Arithmetic Computation for Modular Conversion, Zero Test, Comparison, MOD and Exponentiation.- MAC Aggregation with Message Multiplicity.- Efficiency Limitations of ?-Protocols for Group Homomorphisms Revisited.- A More Efficient Computationally Sound Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Shuffle Argument.- Active Security in Multiparty Computation over Black-Box Groups.- Hash Combiners for Second Pre-image Resistance, Target Collision Resistance and Pre-image Resistance Have Long Output.- Human Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Protocols and Their Applications.- Oblivious Transfer with Hidden Access Control from Attribute-Based Encryption.