Jet-induced ground effects on a parametric flat-plate model in hover

The jet-induced forces generated on short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft when in close proximity to the ground can have a significant effect on aircraft performance. Therefore, accurate predictions of these aerodynamic characteristics are highly desirable. Empirical procedures for estimating jet-induced forces during the vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) portions of the flight envelope are currently limited in accuracy. The jet-induced force data presented significantly add to the current STOVL configurations data base. Further development of empirical prediction methods for jet-induced forces, to provide more configuration diversity and improved overall accuracy, depends on the viability of this STOVL data base. The data base may also be used to validate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis codes. The hover data obtained at the NASA Ames Jet Calibration and Hover Test (JCAHT) facility for a parametric flat-plate model is presented. The model tested was designed to allow variations in the planform aspect ratio, number of jets, nozzle shape, and jet location. There were 31 different planform/nozzle configurations tested. Each configuration had numerous pressure taps installed to measure the pressures on the undersurface of the model. All pressure data along with the balance jet-induced lift and pitching-moment increments are tabulated. For selected runs, pressure data are presented in the form of contour plots that show lines of constant pressure coefficient on the model undersurface. Nozzle-thrust calibrations and jet flow-pressure survey information are also provided.