22.8 Adaptively Clock-Boosted Auto-Ranging Responsive Neurostimulator for Emerging Neuromodulation Applications

An emerging neuromodulation approach to treat disorders such as intractable epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease is to use electrical stimulation triggered by pathological brain states, conventionally delivered via intracranially implanted electrodes as shown in Fig. 22.8.1 (top, left). A safer, non-invasive technology for closed-loop deep-brain neuromodulation (DBN) to treat neural disorders has been a holy grail of neuroscience for decades. Recent clinical studies of non-invasive transcranial stimulation are showing increasing promise. For instance, there is evidence that stimulation in certain stages of sleep can improve memory. This work demonstrates a platform technology for enabling such studies and protocols, where brain-state-dependent stimulation enables therapy in either conventional invasive or emerging non-invasive neuromodulation modalities.