A Framework for User Control on Stylised Animation of Gaseous Phenomena

Abstract We present a novel approach to create stylisedanimations of gaseous phenomena. Existingcomputer-assisted systems employ computationalphysics-based approaches which generate 3Deffects. Unfortunately, these effects usually don’tlook like traditional animation, nor can the userfreely design the behaviour of the animation.Our approach combines benefits from existing2D and 3D approaches integrating them in anunusual but effective way. Extending the appli-cation of particle systems, the particle paths varyboth with time and with the 3D viewing direction.Rendering features such as smoothly varyingcommon outlines and speedlines help to preservethe animator’s artistic style. The incorporationinto a structured 2D modelling and animationenvironment enables a stylised animation exhibit-ing a convincing frame-to-frame coherence andallows 3D camera movement without aliasingartefacts.The provided solution demonstrates how ananimator can remain in full control of a stylisedprocess for effects animation and how oneframework is suitable for a wide range of effects.Keywords: gaseous phenomena, stylisedanimation, computer-assisted animation, non-photorealistic rendering, particle systems

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