Forced to leave fascist Germany in 1933, Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966) began a period of exile that would last the rest of his life. It was thus in Paris and then, after 1941, in New York that he would write the works for which he is known in the Anglo-American realm: a "social biography" ofJacques Offenbach (Orpheus in Paris, 1937), a study of Weimar film (From Caligari to Hitler, 1947), an aesthetics of cinema (Theory of Film, 1960) and a meditation on the
[1] R. Manheim,et al. Myth, religion, and mother right : selected writings of J.J. Bachofen , 1967 .
[2] Friedrich Engels,et al. FROM THE GERMAN IDEOLOGY , 2021, The New Economic Sociology.