Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) technology is an enabler of native transmission of multimedia information between two and more Web browsers. WebRTC is based on HTML version 5 (HTML5) and JavaScript languages. Although both real-time media streams (audio, video) and non-real-time non-media flows (also present in WebRTC architecture) are transmitted directly between browsers, to enable transmission of information necessary for session management (and more precisely: session establishment) purposes, a signalling server is needed. Such server may be regarded as a rendezvous point of end systems that use WebRTC technology. In this paper, node.js run-time environment and principle of building of Webrtc signalling server with the use of scripts written in JavaScript and run in node.js are presented. Example of script of a simple signalling server also is shown. The exemplary server connects users of one and only session, although this session may serve not only one-to-one, but also many-to-many connections. Despite its simplicity, this is a fully functional signalling server, able to serve signalling messages for purposes of message ex-change, or for purposes of initialization of WebRTC-based Internet telephony or simple conferencing systems.
Krzysztof Wajda,et al.
Badania wideokonferencji wykorzystującej WebRTC z mostkiem konferencyjnym w środowisku chmury
Kundan Singh,et al.
Taking on webRTC in an enterprise
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Alexey Melnikov,et al.
The WebSocket Protocol
Simon Pietro Romano,et al.
On the seamless interaction between webRTC browsers and SIP-based conferencing systems
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Krzysztof Wajda,et al.
Analiza współpracy terminali mobilnych wykorzystujących technikę WebRTC z telefonią VOIP stosującą protokół SIP