Radioluminescence of Ce3+-doped B2O3–SiO2–Gd2O3–BaO glass

Abstract The object of this work is to explore the possibility of cerium-doped dense oxide glasses as dense scintillator for medical imaging application. Large block Ce 3+ -doped 30SiO 2 –25B 2 O 3 –30Gd 2 O 3 –15BaO glass was prepared and the radioluminescence, photoluminescence and decay time were measured, and its scintillation properties such as scintillation light output, attenuation length, decay time and radiation hardness were analyzed. It was observed that peak scintillation light intensity of present glass doped with 5.0 wt.% Ce 2 O 3 is 13% of that of BGO, and its decay time was in range of 60–80 ns, glass density was near 5.40 g/cm 3 . It is concluded that the trivalent cerium-doped oxide glass scintillator with low cost and availability in large scale and good chemical durability might become one of promising candidates of cerium-doped dense scintillator for medical imaging application.