The Niche-Relationships of the California Thrasher

into the body of the partly eaten bantam and replaced it in the same spot where he found it. Next morning the seemingly impossible was made a practical certainty, for he found the body of a screech owl with the claws of one foot firlnly imbedded in the body of the bantam. He very kindly presented me with the owl which, upon dissection, proved to be a female, its stomach eontalning a very considerable amount of bantam flesh and feathers, together with a great deal of wheat. (It seelns probable that the wheat was accidentally swallowed with the crop of the bantam during the feast, but there was so much that it seelns trange the owl did not discard it while eating). How a bird only 9.12 inches in length • could have dealt out such havoc in so short a time is almost in-