A primer on nonmarket valuation

List of Contributors. Preface P.A. Champ, K.J. Boyle, T.C. Brown. 1. Economic Valuation: What and Why A. Myrick Freeman III. 2. Conceptual Framework for Nonmarket Valuation N.E. Flores. 3. Collecting Survey Data for Nonmarket Valuation P.A. Champ. 4. Introduction to Stated Preference Methods T.C. Brown. 5. Contingent Valuation in Practice K.J. Boyle. 6. Attribute-Based Methods T.P. Holmes, W.L. Adamowicz. 7. Multiple Good Valuation T.C. Brown, G.L. Peterson. 8. Introduction to Revealed Preference Methods K.J. Boyle. 9. The Travel Cost Model G.R. Parsons. 10. The Hedonic Method L.O. Taylor. 11. Defensive Behavior and Damage Cost Methods M. Dickie. 12. Benefit Transfer R.S. Rosenberger, J.B. Loomis. 13. Nonmarket Valuation in Action D.W McCollum. 14. Where to from Here? R.C. Bishop. Index.