The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony

WHEN reviewing the first edition of Prof. Fleming's book five years ago we pointed out that it filled to perfection the want for a thorough and exhaustive treatise on the subject of wireless telegraphy, and was sure of a warm welcome on that account. Since then the volume has been twice reprinted, and now there is issued a new edition largely rewritten and considerably improved. The rapid progress in electric wave signalling is indicated even in the title, which is now so worded as to cover the subject of Hertzian telephony, at the time of the first edition so much in its infancy as not to be worthy of inclusion. To this subject Prof. Fleming now devotes a short final chapter, in which he reviews briefly the special difficulties in transmission and summarises the present position. (In the last paragraph, by an obvious oversight, telegraphy is written in place of telephony.)The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy and Telephony.By Prof. J. A. Fleming Second edition (revised and extended). Pp. xx + 906. (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1910.) Price 28s. net.