Separation of microbial deoxyribonucleic acids into complementary strands.

DNA preparations from seven bacterial species and from the E. coli phage T4 can, after denaturation with alkali, be separated chromatographically into two distinct components (L and H) through intermittent gradient elution from methylated albumin kieselguhr columns. The direct chemical analysis of the L and H fractions isolated from DNA specimens of the AT type shows them to exhibit a high degree of complementarity; but despite a bias in the distribution of purines and pyrimidines, either fraction contains equimolar quantities of 6-amino and of 6-keto nucleotides. In the L and H components derived from DNA of the equimolar and GC types, the distribution bias appears limited to guanine and cytosine. It is suggested that the L and H fractions represent the complementary DNA strands.