Experimental and numerical analysis of solitary waves generated by bed and boundary movements

SUMMARY This paper is an experimental and numerical study about propagation and reection of waves originated by natural hazards such as sea bottom movements, hill slope sliding and avalanches. One-dimensional �ume experiments were conducted to study the characteristics of such waves. The results of the ex- perimental study can be used by other researchers to verify their numerical models. Anite volume numerical model, which solves the shallow water equations, was also veried using our own experi- mental results. In order to deal with reection on sloping surfaces and overtopping walls, a new condition for the treatment of the coastline is suggested. The numerical simulation of wave generation is also studied considering the bed movement. A boundary condition is proposed for this case. Those situations when the shallow water equations are valid to simulate this type of phenomena have been studied, as well as their limitations. Copyright ? 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.