Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs

Jianxin Shi | Susmita Datta | Aribert Rothenberger | Kathryn Roeder | Jung-Ying Tzeng | Martin Hautzinger | Huda Akil | Manuel Mattheisen | Stephan Ripke | Lefkos Middleton | Richard M Myers | Dan-Yu Lin | Pablo V Gejman | Frank Dudbridge | Ivan Nikolov | Jan K Buitelaar | Florian Holsboer | Thomas G Schulze | Francis J McMahon | Joseph Piven | Herbert Roeyers | David Curtis | Bertram Müller-Myhsok | Weihua Guan | Tobias Banaschewski | Guy Rouleau | Jubao Duan | Gerome Breen | Elisabeth B Binder | Ellen M Wijsman | Sebastian Zöllner | Keith Matthews | Khalid Choudhury | Andrew McQuillin | Srinivasa Thirumalai | Jacob Lawrence | Robert Krasucki | Jonathan Pimm | Stanley J Watson | Danielle Posthuma | Sarah E Medland | Nicholas G Martin | Michael Gill | Morten Mattingsdal | Ingrid Agartz | Hugh Gurling | John S Witte | Paul Cormican | Geraldine Dawson | Elaine Kenny | Jeffrey A Lieberman | Timothy W Yu | Soumya Raychaudhuri | Sven Cichon | Marcella Rietschel | Jens Treutlein | Wiepke Cahn | Fan Meng | Michael Boehnke | Elliot S Gershon | Richard Bruggeman | Nelson B Freimer | Line Olsen | Tatiana Foroud | Johannes Schumacher | Peter M Visscher | Michael C Neale | Melvin G McInnis | Robert Freedman | Philip Asherson | Robert C. Thompson | Nicholas J Schork | Niklas Långström | Jennifer Crosbie | Aravinda Chakravarti | Aarno Palotie | Sean Ennis | Phoenix Kwan | Stephanie H Witt | Hakon Hakonarson | Rita M Cantor | Patrick F Sullivan | Sandra Meier | Shaun M Purcell | Peter McGuffin | Bernie Devlin | Joseph Biederman | Benjamin M Neale | Mark J Daly | Michael Bauer | Dorret I Boomsma | Gonneke Willemsen | Michael Steffens | Bettina Konte | Catherine Lord | Pierandrea Muglia | Bruno Etain | William B Lawson | Frank Bellivier | Daniel L. Koller | Matthew C Keller | Jouke-Jan Hottenga | Michael E Goddard | Michael C O'Donovan | Michael J Owen | Steven A McCarroll | Stephen W Scherer | Michael R Barnes | Barbara Franke | Susan L Smalley | Sandra K Loo | Stephen V Faraone | Todd Lencz | Anil K Malhotra | Darina Czamara | S Hong Lee | Anna K Kähler | Christina M Hultman | Naomi R Wray | Ian B Hickie | Klaus-Peter Lesch | Stephan J Sanders | Thomas Werge | Pamela Sklar | Lydia Krabbendam | Michele T Pato | Wolfgang Maier | Marian L Hamshere | Peter A Holmans | Radhika Kandaswamy | Markus M Nöthen | Marion Leboyer | Veronica J Vieland | Pamela B. Mahon | Inez Myin-Germeys | David W Craig | Russell Schachar | Thomas W. Mühleisen | Dale R Nyholt | Aiden Corvin | Srdjan Djurovic | Ingrid Melle | Christopher A Walsh | Josef Frank | Detelina Grozeva | Kenneth S Kendler | Kimberly Chambert | Stanley Zammit | David A Collier | Christa L Martin | Edward G Jones | Lieuwe De Haan | Jonna Kuntsi | Fritz Poustka | Myrna M Weissman | Cathryn M Lewis | Edwin H Cook | Jordan W Smoller | Peter Szatmari | Andrew D Paterson | Peter Propping | Thomas Bettecken | Andrew C Heath | Pamela A F Madden | Astrid M Vicente | Andreas Reif | James A Knowles | Lambertus Klei | Peng Zhang | Hilary Coon | Louise Gallagher | Douglas Ruderfer | Susanne Lucae | Vinay Puri | Laura J Scott | Mikael Landén | Cinnamon S Bloss | Manfred Uhr | Roy H Perlis | Jonathan L Haines | Edwin J C G van den Oord | Verneri Anttila | Gerard D Schellenberg | Sarah E Bergen | Thomas F Wienker | Matthew Flickinger | Eric Fombonne | J. Witte | W. Guan | P. Visscher | N. Wray | D. Absher | K. Roeder | M. Daly | S. Scherer | D. Ledbetter | J. Sutcliffe | D. Geschwind | D. Rujescu | S. Cichon | A. Ingason | P. Muglia | I. Giegling | A. Hartmann | T. Mühleisen | S. Djurovic | I. Melle | B. Franke | N. Freimer | O. Andreassen | R. Ophoff | M. Rietschel | T. Werge | M. Nöthen | D. Collier | G. Kirov | D. Grozeva | J. Lieberman | F. McMahon | A. Malhotra | J. Potash | T. Schulze | M. Gill | L. Gallagher | N. Craddock | M. Owen | M. O’Donovan | P. Sullivan | L. Klei | R. Anney | A. Bailey | A. Battaglia | G. Dawson | E. Duketis | E. Fombonne | C. Freitag | H. Hakonarson | Vanessa Hus | S. Klauck | M. Leboyer | C. Lord | E. Maestrini | W. McMahon | S. Nelson | G. Oliveira | J. Parr | J. Piven | F. Poustka | J. Rice | J. Vincent | T. Wassink | J. Buxbaum | R. Cantor | E. Cook | H. Coon | M. Cuccaro | B. Devlin | S. Ennis | J. Haines | J. Hallmayer | A. Monaco | J. Nurnberger | A. Paterson | M. Pericak-Vance | G. Schellenberg | P. Szatmari | A. Vicente | V. Vieland | E. Wijsman | C. Betancur | C. Walsh | R. Myers | S. Mccarroll | E. J. van den Oord | I. Craig | E. G. Jones | Jianxin Shi | P. Zandi | C. Nievergelt | J. Kelsoe | T. Wienker | N. Schork | M. Boehnke | Jun Z. Li | I. Hickie | M. Weissman | B. Neale | G. Breen | S. Caesar | K. Gordon-Smith | L. Jones | C. Fraser | E. Green | M. Hamshere | P. Holmans | V. Moskvina | I. Nikolov | A. Farmer | P. McGuffin | A. Young | I. Ferrier | C. Lewis | K. Lesch | R. Kahn | W. Cahn | S. Mane | M. McInnis | S. Purcell | A. Chakravarti | H. Akil | W. Maier | M. Goddard | R. Ebstein | D. Lin | J. Tzeng | D. Craig | J. Smoller | N. Martin | S. Raychaudhuri | I. Agartz | F. Zitman | F. Holsboer | J. Buitelaar | A. McIntosh | W. Coryell | F. Bellivier | M. Barnes | B. Penninx | A. Schatzberg | G. Willemsen | J. McGough | S. Faraone | D. Arking | A. Palotie | G. Montgomery | Chunyu Liu | P. Sklar | D. Blackwood | A. Corvin | C. Hultman | P. Lichtenstein | A. McQuillin | C. Pato | D. Ruderfer | D. Morris | C. O'Dushlaine | E. Scolnick | N. Williams | V. Milanova | E. Kenny | K. Choudhury | S. Datta | J. Pimm | S. Thirumalai | V. Puri | Robert Krasucki | J. Lawrence | D. Quested | N. Bass | D. Curtis | W. Muir | K. McGhee | B. Pickard | M. Pato | H. Medeiros | A. Fanous | J. Knowles | M. Azevedo | K. Chambert | M. Bayés | W. Nolen | W. Bunney | L. Scott | Yunjung Kim | M. Murtha | M. Lathrop | J. Biederman | Erin N. Smith | K. Kendler | M. Neale | D. Posthuma | D. Boomsma | E. D. de Geus | R. Perlis | T. Stroup | P. McGrath | S. Santangelo | D. Levinson | M. Keller | J. Sergeant | E. Gershon | C. Martin | D. Nyholt | J. Hottenga | P. Magnusson | J. Smit | M. Bauer | S. Zöllner | T. Banaschewski | S. Smalley | A. Heath | T. Lencz | H. Roeyers | M. State | R. Oades | T. Foroud | C. R. Cloninger | R. Breuer | H. Rasmussen | M. Mattheisen | S. Medland | B. Müller-Myhsok | S. Slager | F. Dudbridge | M. Hautzinger | J. Badner | J. Kennedy | S. Ripke | J. Moran | A. Rothenberger | D. St. Clair | S. Hamilton | M. Schwarz | P. Madden | T. Yu | L. Middleton | K. Matthews | L. Krabbendam | I. Myin-Germeys | J. van os | E. Binder | V. Anttila | A. Thapar | B. Cormand | J. Ramos-Quiroga | M. Ribasés | C. Bloss | S. Watson | J. Barchas | A. Willsey | H. Edenberg | E. Sonuga-Barke | Phil H. Lee | G. Donohoe | M. Mattingsdal | M. Flickinger | E. Quinn | R. Kandaswamy | S. Lee | J. Duan | A. Sanders | P. Gejman | A. Henders | S. Gordon | G. Rouleau | A. Kähler | Sarah L Bergen | P. Cormican | B. Mowry | J. Silverman | D. Linszen | C. Middeldorp | G. van Grootheest | F. Meng | L. de Haan | M. Landén | P. Asherson | J. Kuntsi | A. Reif | R. Schachar | D. Black | H. Steinhausen | Phoenix Kwan | A. Olincy | E. Byrne | G. Morken | P. Propping | A. Doyle | S. Witt | F. Degenhardt | S. Herms | W. Byerley | D. Czamara | W. Berrettini | S. Loo | S. Meier | I. Jones | M. Steffens | W. Hoogendijk | M. Kohli | D. Macintyre | K. Rehnström | J. Lowe | S. Jamain | B. Étain | J. Schumacher | W. Scheftner | E. Morrow | D. Moreno-De-Luca | D. Grice | R. Freedman | J. Treutlein | Jobst Meyer | T. Greenwood | R. McKinney | P. Shilling | W. Lawson | E. Nwulia | M. Hipolito | F. Lohoff | Peng Zhang | S. Szelinger | T. Barrett | J. Strohmaier | F. Tozzi | J. Strauss | W. Xu | R. Day | A. Anjorin | H. Gurling | V. Nimgaonkar | M. Schalling | L. Backlund | L. Frisén | Niklas Långström | S. Lucae | F. Amin | T. Bettecken | R. Bruggeman | N. Buccola | M. Casas | J. Crosbie | J. Elia | J. Frank | M. Friedl | L. Georgieva | M. Gross | T. Hansen | S. Hoefels | M. Ising | L. Kent | B. Konte | A. Korszun | A. McLean | A. Miranda | L. Olsen | U. Osby | M. Pergadia | L. Rossin | Stanley I. Shyn | A. Todorov | M. Uhr | S. Zammit | Guiomar Oliveira | John P Rice | Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga | Marta Ribasés | Mònica Bayés | Bru Cormand | Richard P Ebstein | Jim Van Os | Mark Lathrop | Allan H Young | Ole A Andreassen | Stefan Herms | Susan L Slager | Devin Absher | Anthony J Bailey | Roel A Ophoff | Daniel H Geschwind | Patrick J McGrath | Margaret A Pericak-Vance | Marcus Ising | Martin Schalling | James L Kennedy | John B Vincent | René S Kahn | Catalina Betancur | Jun Li | Anthony P Monaco | Michele L Pergadia | Brenda W Penninx | Grant W Montgomery | Shrikant M Mane | Hans-Christoph Steinhausen | Patrik K E Magnusson | Vanessa Hus | Ana Miranda | Jennifer L Moran | Josephine Elia | Howard J Edenberg | Caroline M Nievergelt | Phil H Lee | Henrik B Rasmussen | Paul Lichtenstein | Annette M Hartmann | Joseph D Buxbaum | Ina Giegling | Michael L Cuccaro | Thomas W Mühleisen | Peter P Zandi | Ian W Craig | Richard Anney | Derek W Morris | Kevin A McGhee | Dan Rujescu | Franziska Degenhardt | Anita Thapar | Valentina Moskvina | Lyudmila Georgieva | Jobst Meyer | Nigel Williams | Lindsey Kent | Robert D Oades | Willem A Nolen | Daniel Moreno-De-Luca | Alan R Sanders | Federica Tozzi | Thomas H Wassink | Chunyu Liu | Dan E Arking | Jennifer K Lowe | William M McMahon | René Breuer | Jana Strohmaier | Gunnar Morken | James J McGough | Farooq Amin | Adebayo Anjorin | Lena Backlund | Nicholas Bass | Agatino Battaglia | Wade Berrettini | Sian Caesar | Miguel Casas | Nicholas Craddock | Richard Day | Eftichia Duketis | Ayman Fanous | Christine Fraser | Marion Friedl | Louise Frisén | Katherine Gordon-Smith | Magdalena Gross | Joachim Hallmayer | Maria Hipolito | Susanne Hoefels | Andrés Ingason | Stéphane Jamain | Ian Jones | Lisa Jones | Yunjung Kim | Ania Korszun | Elena Maestrini | Andrew McIntosh | Rebecca McKinney | Helena Medeiros | Vihra Milanova | Michael Murtha | Vishwajit Nimgaonkar | Ann Olincy | Urban Osby | Karola Rehnström | Lizzy Rossin | Markus Schwarz | Edward Scolnick | David St Clair | Matthew State | Szabocls Szelinger | Gerard Van Grootheest | Joseph A Sergeant | Robert C Thompson | T Scott Stroup | Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke | Johannes H Smit | Tiffany A Greenwood | Alexandre A Todorov | Scott D Gordon | Anjali K Henders | William E Bunney | Alan F Schatzberg | Douglas F Levinson | David H Ledbetter | James S Sutcliffe | Steven P Hamilton | Daniel L Koller | Enda M Byrne | Donald W Black | Judith A Badner | C Robert Cloninger | I Nicol Ferrier | Jeremy M Silverman | Frans G Zitman | Erin N Smith | John R Kelsoe | William H Coryell | Carlos N Pato | Wei Xu | Falk W Lohoff | Susan L Santangelo | Christine M Freitag | Colm O'Dushlaine | Alysa E Doyle | Enda M. Byrne | Bryan J Mowry | James B Potash | John I Nurnberger | A Jeremy Willsey | Nancy G Buccola | William F Byerley | Emma M Quinn | Sabine M Klauck | Eric M Morrow | Jack D Barchas | Jeremy R Parr | Witte J Hoogendijk | Stanley I Shyn | Martin A Kohli | Anne E Farmer | Maria H Azevedo | Thomas B Barrett | Douglas H R Blackwood | Eco J De Geus | Gary J Donohoe | Elaine K Green | Dorothy E Grice | Thomas F Hansen | George K Kirov | Don H Linszen | Donald J MacIntyre | Pamela B Mahon | Alan W McLean | Christel M Middeldorp | Walter J Muir | Stan F Nelson | Evaristus A Nwulia | Benjamin S Pickard | Digby J Quested | William A Scheftner | Paul D Shilling | John S Strauss | E. Jones | S. H. Lee | R. Mckinney | C. O’Dushlaine | Jung‐Ying Tzeng | C. Cloninger | N. Martin | T. Barrett | R. Krasucki | S. Gordon | D. Boomsma | N. Martin | P. Kwan | N. Martin | N. Martin | C. Lewis | J. Haines | Joachim Hallmayer | E. Jones | J. Kennedy | I. Myin‐Germeys | Jung-Ying Tzeng | Gerard van Grootheest

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