Introduction: kids online: opportunities and risks for children

Introduction ~ Sonia Livingstone and Leslie Haddon Section 1: Researching European children online: What we know, what we do not know ~ Veronica Donoso, Kjartan Olafsson and Thorbjorn Broddason Research with children ~ Bojana Lobe, Jose Alberto Simoes and Bieke Zaman Opportunities and pitfalls of cross-national research ~ Uwe Hasebrink, Kjartan Olafsson and Vaclav St?tka Cultures of research and policy in Europe ~ Leslie Haddon and Gitte Stald Section II: Going online: new opportunities?: Opportunities and benefits online ~ Pille Runnel, Veronika Kalmus, Pille Runnel and Andra Siibak Adolescents and social network sites: identity, friendships and privacy ~ Jochen Peter, Patti M. Valkenburg and Cedric Fluckiger Young people online: gender and age influences ~ Helen McQuillan and Leen d'Haenens Digital divides ~ Panayiota Tsatsou, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and Maria Francesca Murru Section III: Going online: new risks?: Risky contacts ~ Marika Hanne Luders, Petter Bae Brandtzaeg and Elza Dunkels Inappropriate content ~ Thomas Wold, Elena Aristodemou, Elza Dunkels and Yiannis Laouris Problematic conduct: juvenile delinquency on the internet ~ Elisabeth Staksrud Children and the internet in the news: agency, voices and agendas ~ Cristina Ponte, Joke Bauwens and Giovanna Mascheroni The role of parental mediation in explaining cross-national experiences risk ~ Bojana Lobe, Katia Segers and Liza Tsaliki Section IV: Policy implications: Maximising opportunities and minimising risks for children online ~ Jos de Haan Parental mediation ~ Lucyna Kirwil, Maialen Garmendia, Carmelo Garitaonandia and Gemma Martinez Fernandez Making use of ICT for learning in European schools ~ Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Andrea Durager, Christine Wijnen and Kadri Ugur Media literacy ~ Brian O'Neill and Ingunn Hagen Conclusion ~ Sonia Livingstone and Leslie Haddon