We formally describe a topology of microgrids, including nesting, union, and intersection. By applying both market techniques and electrical switching we increase the value of autonomous microgrids by factoring operations management into microgrid management and cross-microgrid management, reducing the complexity of each, and simplifying architecture and resilience. We call this Structured Energy. In the evolving world of energy interoperation standards, interactions must be supported to, from, and within microgrids. We exploit standard interoperation technology to simplify issues of management, operations, complexity, reliability, and marketability of distributed generation and energy resources. Structured energy is a key step toward management of scarcity and of surplus. Local balancing of supply and demand, and presenting a more manageable load to the outside, can be much more effective in a structured energy world. Examples apply Structured Energy to a mixed-use industrial and commercial development, assembly of microgrids, energy surety in underdeveloped areas, and fault resilience.
XII. References
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Balancing cost and performance in a PV/wind/battery hybrid power system
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Topological Spaces
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Francis G. McCabe,et al.
Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0
Sila Kiliccote,et al.
Open Automated Demand Response Communications Specification (Version 1.0)
Alfred V. Aho,et al.
The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
Toby Considine,et al.
Understanding Microgrids as the Essential Architecture of Smart Energy
Toby Considine,et al.
Benchmarks and Models— Price-Responsive Devices with Forward Prices *Looking Forward and Looking Back*