In-plane dipole coupling anisotropy of a square ferromagnetic Heisenberg monolayer

In this study we calculate the dipole-coupling-induced quartic in-plane anisotropy of a square ferromagnetic Heisenberg monolayer. This anisotropy increases with an increasing temperature, reaching its maximum value closeto the Curie temperature of the system. At T=0 the system is isotropic, besides a small remaining anisotropy due to the zero-point motion of quantum mechanical spins. The reason for the dipole-coupling-induced anisotropy is the disturbance of the square spin lattice due to thermal fluctuations ("order-by-disorder" effect). For usual ferromagnets its strength is small as compared to other anisotropic contributions, and decreases by application of an external magnetic field. The results are obtained from a Heisenberg Hamiltonian by application of a mean field approach for a spin cluster, as well as from a many-body Green's function theory within the Tyablikov decoupling (the random phase approximation).