Impact of various rpm levels on rotary and pendulum spreaders performance

The paper demonstrates how different levels of shaft revolutions affect the performance of mono-disk rotary and pendulum fertiliser spreaders widely used by Slovenian farmers. Tests have been conducted on a mono-disk rotary spreader manufactured by the Italian company AGREX, and on a pendulum spreader manufactured by the Slovenian company CREINA from Kranj. To establish the impact of different revolution levels on the transverse spread - dispersion, spread width and flow of a fertiliser, both types of spreaders have been submitted to testing at different rpm levels of the tractor drive shaft: at 290 rpm, 410 rpm, and 540 rpm. It has been established that the spread width on both spreaders statistically significant (P < 0.05) increases with the increase of the rpm’s. The fertilizer flow statistically significant (P < 0.05) changes only on the pendulum spreaders, whereas on rotary spreaders it has been found out that the fertilizer flow does not depend on the rpm’s. Agricultura 1: 34-39 (2002)