Inservice Training Needs of Training Executives and Curriculum and Instruction Standards Office Personnel
Abstract : Schools within the Naval Education and Training Command (NAVEDTRACOM) provide inservice training (IST) to enhance and maintain personnel skills and knowledge necessary for the efficient and effective management and delivery of training. Currently, IST is most often designed at the local level to meet the needs of a specific activity. Thus, IST varies in content and emphasis across NAVEDTRACOM activities. The Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) tasked the TAEG to assess IST needs on a command-wide basis rather than for individual training activities. The CNET will use the information developed by TAEG to plan for the acquisition of needed training materials to support training activities in carrying out their IST functions. This study assessed the IST needs of personnel assigned to CNET training activities and developed a prioritized listing(s) of command-wide inservice needs.
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