Technological requirements for a self-aligned lateral SiGe HBT with the SiGe layer formed by Ge ion implantation in Si including theoretical performance

A new method for realization of self-aligned lateral SiGe-HBT (SiGe-SLHBT) is introduced and ac and dc simulations are performed based on a two-dimensional physical model. The fabrication process is simple and requires a minimum number of masks. The details of the fabrication process have been discussed. Simulation results show a dc current gain of 658, fmax = 220 GHz,fT = 62.5 GHz and MSG = 32.1 dB at 1 GHz for the self-aligned lateral HBT (SLHBT) with 50 nm thick germanium layer (30 nm p-doped base width) and a dc current gain of 300, fmax = 133.5 GHz, fT = 24.7 GHz and MSG = 33.5 dB at 1 GHz for the SLHBT with 100 nm thick germanium layer (50 nm p-doped base width). This provides a low-cost high performance technology which could be used in many RF applications