The Rat Genome Database Curators: Who, What, Where, Why

abstracts. As can be seen by the amount oftime spent in curation, the time savings forresearchers are substantial. Education and Outreach An essential part of the curator’s job is toprovide education and training for RGDusers and potential users. This is accom-plished in several ways. The RGD Web sitecontains a ‘‘Help’’ section developed by thecurators and which is accessible from allpages. This component contains a Glossaryof Terms, general information on how touse the searches and tools, a FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) section, and acomponent that walks users through typicaluse case scenarios. Curators also handleindividual questions through the userrequest system accessible via the ContactUs button on each page, and throughtelephone calls and the Rat CommunityForum. RGD has published seven tutorialvideos at SciVee (, aWeb site for video publications for re-search, and videos are available at RGD aswell. Curators present tutorials at majorconferences such as Experimental Biology,Society of Toxicology, Neuroscience andRat Genomics and Models, as well asindividual rat research laboratories. Inaddition, RGD is well represented at majorconferences such as Biology of Genomes,Genome Informatics, Intelligent Systemsfor Molecular Biology, and the Interna-tional Mammalian Genome Conferencewith presentations and posters highlightingnew tools and datasets. Other outreachactivities involve contact with individualresearchers for nomenclature assignment togenes, QTLs, and strains, as well asconstruction of customized datasets.