This paper documents the development of a Driver Safety and Educa Strategy for improving the safety and competence of drivers in Queensland. The paper: (a) explains the rationale behind the development of the strategy; (b) describes the current driver management system in Queensland and audits its performance in ter of community perceptions and key outcomes, particularly road safe (c) reviews the available Australian and international evidence relating to the effectiveness of driver management activity; and identifies the most appropriate mix of best practice strategies a actions to improve the management of drivers in the state. The a revealed that the system is robust, featuring many demonstrated cost-effective, best practice measures and approaches. However, review of Australian and international driver management activity suggests that scope exists to optimise the performance of the Queensland system. In particular, there is a need to consider ne strategies and actions which can bolster current activity and pro a more integrated approach to driver management. A key aim of th paper is to provide a detailed record of how and why the Driver Safety and Education Strategy was developed and to document the research evidence underpinning the proposed actions. (a)