Marketing in the tourism industry : the promotion of destination regions

List of Tables, figures. Contributors. Preface. 1. How Tourists Choose Their Holidays: An Analytical Framework Brian Goodall 2. Changing Patterns and Structure of European Tourism Brian Goodall 3. The Development of Tourism in the Least Developed Countries Erlet Cater 4. The Role of Travel Agent and Tour Operator Maurice Buck. 5. The Role of the Tourist Board Stan Bowes 6. Planning of Tourist Routes: The Green Coast Road in the Northern Netherlands Jan R Bergsma 7. Recreational Developments in Gravel Workings: The Limburg Experience Henk Voogd 8. The Economic Effects on Destination Areas of Foreign Involvement in the Tourism Industry: A Spanish Application Thea Sinclair and Charles Sutcliffe 9. The Image of Destination Regions: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects Michael J Stabler 10. Marketing in the Historic City For Tourism Gregory Ashworth 11. Developments in the Promotion of Major Seaside Resorts: How to Effect a Transition By Really Making An Effort Bryan J H Brown 12. Tourism Development Planning in Languedoc: Le Mission Impossible? Gregory Ashworth and Michael J Stabler 13. Changing Tourism Requires a Different Management Approach Martinus J Kosters. 14. Tourist Images: Marketing Considerations Gregory Ashworth and Brian Goodall