Collective excitations in a radio-frequency out-coupled atom laser

We report results concerning both theoretical and experimental studies of collective excitations in connection with the atom laser operation. We use a radio-frequency field to out-couple a coherent matter-wave beam, either continuous or pulsed, from a /sup 87/Rb condensate. The latter scheme itself induces collective excitations in the atom laser. Starting from a condensate in the F=2, m/sub F/=2 state the radio-frequency field populates both trapped and untrapped Zeeman sublevels. A rich phenomenology arises including the production of multiple condensates exhibiting different dynamical behaviour, which make clear evidence of mutual interactions. The use of a static very elongated Ioffe trap allows a precise experimental investigation which can be compared with the predictions based on the solution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. In the pulsed regime, the sudden change of the internal energy produces collective oscillations in the shape both for the m/sub F/=2 and the m/sub F/=1 trapped condensate. Preliminary results for the m/sub F/=2 atom laser show that the experimental behaviour is likely to be reproduced by the simulations only if mutual interactions are taken into account.