The mechanics of human saccadic eye movement

In the investigation of oculomotor systems and especially in the mathematical descriptions of them as pursuit, tracking and stabilizing systems, the need arises for a more exact knowledge of the mechanics of the eyeball, the extraocular muscles and the supporting tissues of the orbit, particularly of the way in which these factors permit the globe to respond to the efferent discharges arising in the oculomotor nuclei. In 1954 Westheimer proposed that the eye moved in a saccade by the application of a step function of net muscular force. He further proposed that the mechanical system was of second order, slightly underdamped and had a natural resonant frequency of about 120 radians per second (19 c/s). Alpern (1962) has discussed the inadequacy of this picture in view of the large burst of activity during a saccade recorded by extraocular electromyography (Bj6rk, 1955; Miller, 1958). The development of the suction contact lens has made practicable a closer investigation of the mechanics of the saccade, for it provides a simple method of applying known forces and loads to the eye while measuring subsequent rotations without fear of lens slippage. The evidence presented here will demonstrate that the system of eyeball and orbital tissues is heavily overdamped, has no resonant frequency and is little affected by the mass of the eyeball. It has an upper mechanical frequency response of only 1 c/s and it succeeds in making quick saccadic movements only under the impetus of a large, briefly applied, excess force delivered by the extraocular muscles. For example, in maintaining the eye 100 horizontally from the primary position the horizontal recti need apply a net force of only 15 g but during the saccade to reach that position they apply about 43 g during the first 40 msec of movement.