Throwing good money after Bad

A recent study by the Photovoltaics and Hybrid Systems Program at CANMET Energy Technology Centre-Varennes examined the benefits of on-site generation of electricity using grid-tied photovoltaic technology on buildings in Canada. The study focused on the grid-connect segment of the PV market, which has been experiencing the strongest growth. It showed that while costs of PV worldwide have been falling at about 5% per year in real terms over the past twenty years following a well-established learning curve, there remain several barriers to be addressed before greater inroads can be made in this sector of photovoltaics in Canada. There are many challenges to grid-tied PV in Canada. CETC-Varennes has been addressing these challenges through their RD&D programactivities. These activities range from removing interconnection barriers to the grid, providing assistance to Canadian industry by championing climate change TEAM projects, accelerating the development of adequate policies, and providing quality information to Canadians. The outcomes of these efforts are elucidated in this paper. CETC-Varennes is committed to continuing building alliances with the private sector and with other federal, provincial and municipal levels of government to mainstream grid-tied PV in Canada. It will continue to seek out technology investment opportunities, such as those provided by TEAM, in order to share the RD&D risk and to demonstrate the benefits of linking private sector business strategies and technology capabilities with global business opportunities. PV projects show how GHG reduction and economic benefits can be achieved together, along with environmental and social co-benefits.