Satellite system performance assessment for In-Flight Entertainment and Air Traffic Control

Concurrent satellite systems have been proposed for IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) communications, thus demonstrating the capability of satellites to provide multimedia access to users in aircraft cabin. At the same time, an increasing interest in the use of satellite communications for ATC (Air Traffic Control) has been motivated by the increasing load of traditional radio links mainly in the VHF band, and uses the extended capacities the satellite may provide. However, the development of a dedicated satellite system for ATS (Air Traffic Services) and AOC (Airline Operational Communications) seems to be a long-term perspective. The objective of the presented system design is to provide both passenger application traffic access (Internet, GSM) and a high-reliability channel for aeronautical applications using the same satellite links. Due to the constraints in capacity and radio bandwidth allocation, very high frequencies (above 20 GHz) are considered here. The corresponding design implications for the air interface are taken into account and access performances are derived using a dedicated simulation model. Some preliminary results are shown in this paper to demonstrate the technical feasibility of such system design with increased capacity. More details and the open issues will be studied in the future of this research work.