Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2005: 25th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 14-18, 2005, Proceedings

Efficient Collision Search Attacks on SHA-0.- Finding Collisions in the Full SHA-1.- Pebbling and Proofs of Work.- Composition Does Not Imply Adaptive Security.- On the Discrete Logarithm Problem on Algebraic Tori.- A Practical Attack on a Braid Group Based Cryptographic Protocol.- The Conditional Correlation Attack: A Practical Attack on Bluetooth Encryption.- Unconditional Characterizations of Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge.- Impossibility and Feasibility Results for Zero Knowledge with Public Keys.- Communication-Efficient Non-interactive Proofs of Knowledge with Online Extractors.- A Formal Treatment of Onion Routing.- Simple and Efficient Shuffling with Provable Correctness and ZK Privacy.- Searchable Encryption Revisited: Consistency Properties, Relation to Anonymous IBE, and Extensions.- Private Searching on Streaming Data.- Privacy-Preserving Set Operations.- Collusion Resistant Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys.- Generic Transformation for Scalable Broadcast Encryption Schemes.- Authenticating Pervasive Devices with Human Protocols.- Secure Communications over Insecure Channels Based on Short Authenticated Strings.- On Codes, Matroids and Secure Multi-party Computation from Linear Secret Sharing Schemes.- Black-Box Secret Sharing from Primitive Sets in Algebraic Number Fields.- Secure Computation Without Authentication.- Constant-Round Multiparty Computation Using a Black-Box Pseudorandom Generator.- Secure Computation of Constant-Depth Circuits with Applications to Database Search Problems.- Analysis of Random Oracle Instantiation Scenarios for OAEP and Other Practical Schemes.- Merkle-Damgard Revisited: How to Construct a Hash Function.- On the Generic Insecurity of the Full Domain Hash.- New Monotones and Lower Bounds in Unconditional Two-Party Computation.- One-Way Secret-Key Agreement and Applications to Circuit Polarization and Immunization of Public-Key Encryption.- A Quantum Cipher with Near Optimal Key-Recycling.- An Efficient CDH-Based Signature Scheme with a Tight Security Reduction.- Improved Security Analyses for CBC MACs.- HMQV: A High-Performance Secure Diffie-Hellman Protocol.