Evaluation of a location-linked notes system

We present a location-aware messaging system that lets users read and post notes linked to a particular location. We developed multiple clients (designed to run on desktop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and cell phones) so that users could choose the most contextually-appropriate device to interact with the system. We allowed remote access and authoring to avoid imposing artificial restrictions on users' needs. We report on the findings from our evaluation of the system. The goal of the evaluation was to explore novel potential uses of the system that result from promoting open use of it and to identify users' preferences regarding the different features of the system. In our evaluation, we found that users were receptive of this system for leaving and receiving location-targeted reminders. They also overwhelmingly approved of the remote access and authoring capability, and suggested scenarios where these features would be crucial. We discuss our experiences building the system and our findings from the initial evaluation.